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About Us

Monterey County’s Family and Children’s Services provides a holistic, collaborative, and community-engaged approach to working with children and families involved in the Child Welfare System. Through this approach, Child Serving Agencies and Community Based Organizations come together to identify and address the challenges and needs of system involved families by accessing both community and agency resources. Family and Children’s Services is rooted in the philosophy of civic accountability, and the belief that advocating for families is a collective effort, wherein all members of the community can make a difference for children.

Family and Children’s Services believes that….

  • Children’s safety is paramount.
  • Children belong in families.
  • Families need strong communication.
  • We need community partners to share the responsibility of caring for children in our community in an effort to achieve strong outcomes for our children.

Our goal is to:

We need community partners to care for children in our community in an effort to achieve strong outcomes;

Recruit a large pool of qualified and nurturing Resource Families to meet the children’s needs;

Place with relatives and near-kin and support efforts to maintain family connections;


Donate, volunteer, or become active in your community
to support children and their families.