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Become a resource family to foster a child

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What is a Resource Family

A Resource Family now includes relative and near-kin caregivers or recruited families providing safety, stability and life-long connections for children in the child welfare system. All Resource Families must successfully meet approval standards through the Resource Family Approval (RFA) process.   Upon approval, a Resource Family is considered to be approved for providing foster care, becoming a legal guardian or adopting a child without going through additional processes.

Why you should become a Resource Family

 Kids need you

Over 200 children in Monterey County are in foster care. These children need a loving and nurturing family to help them heal, grow and thrive in life.

Become an important part of a child’s life

Opening your heart and home to a foster child can make a difference in a child’s life and create positive change in your community.


Fostering a child can be an amazingly rewarding experience for everyone involved.

Find out more

Whether you are interested in becoming a Resource Family or supporting our families and children in other ways, the place to start is by attending orientation.  This informational meeting is held in English and Spanish via Zoom every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month from 6-8pm.  If you would like to attend orientation, please call (831) 755-4475 or email


How to become a resource family if you live in Monterey County

  1. Attend Orientation
  2. Complete pre-approval training and CPR
  3. Submit the application and collect supporting documents
  4. Pass background checks
  5. Complete a home inspection
  6. Participate in a family evaluation with a social worker (2-4 home visits)

Are there other agencies in our community that recruit Resource Families?

Yes, you can become a Resource Family by working with either private or public agencies. We partner with other agencies in our community to help you find the right program for you. Joint recruitment efforts allow us to work towards a common goal of matching children with the most suitable family. The following is a list of local Foster Family Agencies that support our children. Please contact them directly if you require more information on how you can become a Resource Family through a private Foster family Agency.

1127 Baldwin Street
Suite B
Salinas, CA 93901
(831) 755-7870

Seneca Family of Agencies
124 River Road
Salinas, CA 93908
(831) 455-9965

How to become a resource family if you do not live in Monterey County

If you live outside of Monterey County, you’ll need to contact the Department of Social Services in your county to learn about next steps specific to your county.

How will I be supported as a Resource Family?

Monterey County provides a financial support as well as medical, mental health and educational support for the children in your care. We’ll be there to educate, support and guide you every step of the way.

Who can qualify to be a Resource Family?

  • Individuals
  • Same-sex couples
  • Unmarried couples
  • Non-citizens
  • Citizens
  • Relatives
  • Friends
  • Community Members

Will I have to do training to be approved?

  • 15 Hours Pre- Approval Training
  • CPR/ First Aid Certification
  • 8 Hours of Post-Approval Annual Training

How many children can I have in my home?

You can have a maximum of 6 children, including your own biological children or other minors living in the home. Additional limitations may apply if providing care for children with high medical needs. Resource Family Approval does not guarantee placement of a child in your home.

What is the cost of getting approved as a Resource Family?

There is no cost for the Pre/Post-Approval and CPR trainings.

Ready to get started? Start your online application now.

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