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Caregiver Resources


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Caregiver Training Calendar


Can I get help paying for extracurricular activities for foster children?

Yes. There are various funding streams available to ensure foster children have the opportunity to participate in extracurricular activities. Ask your assigned social worker or RSU social worker to apply.

How can I get assistance paying for Childcare?

Monterey County partners with the Mexican America Opportunities Foundation to pay for childcare for foster children. This support can be time limited. See Childcare Resources

Will I get paid for caring for a foster child?

Yes. Resource parents receive a monthly stipend to care for foster children placed in their home. The stipend is considered a reimbursement, so the check is issued the month after the care was provided. There are additional funds to help support children with high needs. See Financial Support Resources

Are there any additional reimbursement options available to me?

Yes. There are additional funds to help support children with high needs. Contact your assigned social worker or RSU social worker to request these funds. See Financial Support Resources

Who do I contact if I need help or have other questions?

The receptionist from Family and Children’s Services is available Monday through Friday from 8:00am to 5:00pm to direct your call to the appropriate staff. Call (831) 755-4475.

FCS (Family and Children’s Services) Supports:

While your assigned social worker is always available to help, the resources listed below are also available to you through Family and Children’s Services.

Resource Support Unit (RSU)
Resource Family Approval (RFA) Unit
Child Abuse Hotline
  • 1-800-606-6618
  • 831-755-4661
  • Suspected Child Abuse Report (SCAR)
  • Suspected Child Abuse Report
  • Suspected Child Abuse Report Instructions
  • Suspected Child Abuse Report
  • Confidential Email:
  • Child Abuse Prevention Council (CAPC)
    • The goal of CAPC of Monterey County is to reduce the incidence of child abuse and neglect. To achieve this goal CAPC coordinates prevention and awareness efforts in Monterey County. They provide free training for mandated reporters, educators, child care workers, and non-profit agencies that work with children. CAPC is a prime sponsor in support of community events and non-profit agencies who provide an array of family services. Members of the Council are appointed by the Board of Supervisors and represent a broad cross section of public officials, service organizations, and Monterey County citizens.
    • CAPC Director: (831) 769-8784

Community Based Supports:


First Five

Throughout Monterey County, many families with young children are asking for ways to understand the unique needs of their child and family. They also are looking for support in accessing parenting information and needed service options. Our support for Early Childhood Collaboratives helps connect families to resources by providing child development screenings, parenting information, and services to children prenatal through age 5 and their families. They can also help families with referrals and assist with coordination of services.

Hartnell College Foster and Kinship Care Education: Peer Recruiters

Peer Recruiters educate the community on how to become a resource family and actively recruit resource families in Monterey County.

Monterey County Association of Families Caring for Children

The Monterey County Association of Families Caring for Children is a dynamic organization of resource families, foster parents, relative caregivers, near-kin and community members who have a common interest the welfare of Monterey County’s children. In collaboration with Family and Children’s Services, our common goals are steadily being achieved. We are dedicated to supporting resource parents and networking together to form an effective voice for children.

CHERISH Too Visitation Center

Provides supervised visitation services for families in the child welfare system.

Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) of Monterey County
Parenting Classes

Relative Caregiver Supports:

Seneca Family of Agencies: Family Ties Program

The Family Ties Program offers comprehensive case management services to near kin and relative caregivers who have unexpectedly taken on the care of children.

Cash aid, Food Stamps, Medi-Cal

Financial assistance for relatives caring for children who are NOT in the foster care system

  • Website:
  • Salinas
    Address: 1000 S. Main Street, Suite 216, Salinas CA 93901
    Phone: 831-755-4650
    Toll Free: 1-866-323-1953
  • Seaside
    Address: 1281 Broadway Avenue, Seaside, CA 93955
    Phone: 831-899-8001
    Toll Free: 1-866-323-1953
  • King City
    Address: 116 Broadway Street, King City, CA 93930
    Phone: 831-385-7400
    Toll Free: 1-866-323-1953
Kinship Guardianship Assistance Payment Program (Kin-GAP)

The Kin-GAP Program offers financial assistance and other support services such as Medi-Cal for a child who is placed with an approved relative legal guardian.

Relative & Identified Placement Emergency (RIPE)

Financial reimbursement for relatives and nearkin, for items which will remove barriers to placement, and to maintain or establish a placement with a relative or nearkin placement. Contact your assigned social worker or RSU worker to apply.

Engaging Kinship Caregivers with Joseph Crumbley

Activities for Youth:

  • Website:
  • Monterey
    Address: 600 Camino El Estero, Monterey, Ca 93940
    Phone: (831) 373-4167
  • Salinas
    Address: 117 Clay St., Salinas, Ca 93901
    Phone: (831) 758-3811
  • Salinas Aquatic Center
    Address: 1 E. Bernal St. Salinas, Ca 93906
    Phone: (831) 758-7301
  • Soledad
    Address: 560 Walker Dr. Soledad, Ca 93960
    Phone: (831) 678-1239
First Five: Playdates for ages 0-5
Sol Treasures
Ariel Youth Theater
The Western Stage
Monterey County Free Libraries
First Tee
Boys and Girls Club
  • Website:
  • Seaside
    Address: 1332 La Salle Ave. Seaside, Ca 93955
    Phone: (831) 394-5171
  • Salinas
    Address: 85 Maryal Dr. Salinas, Ca 93906
    Phone: (831) 757-4412
Royal Family Kids Camp

Please contact your social worker for more information. Royal Family Kids Camp is a 5 day camp held in early June for children ages 7-11. Prioritization will be given to sibling groups and children who have previously attended camp. Please contact your social worker for information on how to apply

The Wahine Project (14-18 surfing program)
City Youth Recreation Programs

See your local city recreation website.

My Museum
Hartnell College: Coder Dojo
The Parent Center: Play and Learn
SPCA Animal Camp
Boy Scouts of America: Santa Lucia District
Girl Scouts of America
Girl’s Inc.
  • Address: 318 Cayuga St. Ste. 209, Salinas, Ca 93901
  • Phone: (831) 772-0882
  • Website:
  • For more youth resources refer to community resources page

Financial Supports:

To access any of the below financial supports please contact your social worker.

Foster Care Reimbursement

Level of Care Supplement

What is LOC?
The LOC Rate Protocol is a strengths-based approach for determining foster care rates. The protocol matches the individual care and supervision needs of foster children with a resource parent’s level of support.

LOC Assessment
Care and supervision needs of a child will be identified based on five core domains and scored based on a weighted point system. The LOC domains in the protocol tool are: Physical, Behavioral/Emotional, Educational, Health, and Permanency/ Family Services. The county social worker will utilize a domain matrix and scoring sheet to determine the LOC rate.

The county social worker will complete a LOC Assessment at initial placement, change of placement, transition from a group home/ISFC home, and when requested by a resource parent. The social worker has 60 days from the time of placement to complete the LOC Assessment. If the resource parents requests a LOC Assessment, the social worker has 30 days from the date of the request to complete the assessment.

LOC Domains

  1. Physical
    To meet the child’s activity of daily living needs
  2. Behavioral/Emotional
    To promote resilience and emotional well-being, and to encourage child/ youth to engage in pro-social behavior and activities that can help to develop healthy relationships.
  3. Educational
    To promote student achievement, foster educational excellence, and equal access to services; and when required, respond to suspensions and/or expulsions.
  4. Health
    To promote the child’s health by arranging and facilitating health care and ensuring access to services that address special health care needs.
  5. Permanency/Family Services
    To promote the development and maintenance of lifelong, supportive connections with members of biological families, natural support systems, and community of origin which promotes a sense of belonging, identity, and connection to culture.

How to Request a Higher LOC Rate
Ask your county social worker for a LOC assessment. You may also use the Resource Family Reporting Tool to inform your social worker of the care and supervision you are providing.

LOC Rates
There are 3 LOC rates based on the care a supervision provided by the resource parent. These rates are in addition to the base foster care rate:

LOC 2+$116
LOC 3+$234
LOC 4+$350

Intensive Services Foster Care
The goal of ISFC is to ensure that children receive services they need in a home-based setting instead of a group home. The program requires a specially trained resource parent. If you believe your child needs ISFC and you are interested in training, consult with the social worker.


What if a child has needs above and beyond the LOC rate?

Ask your county social worker about a Specialized Care Increment (SCI).

How do I know what information to provide the social worker about the care and supervision I am providing?

Ask your county social worker for a Resource Family Reporting Tool. The tool allows you to share information about the child’s needs.

Do Adoption Assistance Placement (AAP) and guardianship cases qualify for LOC?

Adoptions finalized prior to May 27, 2011 do not qualify for LOC

Specialized Care Increment (SCI)

What is SCI?
SCI is a supplemental payment to the family home provider, in addition to the Level of Care (LOC) rate, for the cost of providing supervision to meet the additional daily needs of a child who has behavioral, emotional, physical, and/or health challenges.

Monterey County’s New SCI Plan
Beginning April 1, 2021, county SCI plans are changing to align with the new LOC protocol. The SCI rates are being reduced to account for LOC rate increases. The new SCI will be paid only to address the behavioral, emotional, and physical requirements of a child in care above and beyond those covered by LOC.

SCI Rates Will Change
If you are currently receiving a SCI, you might see a change in your rate. The implementation of the new LOC protocol and SCI plan could cause an increase, decrease, or termination of SCI rates, which will be calculated at your next annual SCI reassessment. Please discuss the changes with the county social worker.

SCI Criteria
The foster child in your home must meet one of the following criterial to receive SCI:

  1. Medical Conditions
    Drug/alcohol exposure, respiratory difficulties, diseases, failure to thrive, diabetes/heart disease, hemophilia, seizures, physical disabilities, brain injury, visual/hearing impairments, immune disorder, orthopedic abnormalities, or severe burns.
  2. Developmental Disabilities
    Developmental delays, developmental disabilities (i.e. intellectual disabilities, autism spectrum, etc.), learning delays/disabilities, or sensory integration disorder.
  3. Behavioral Issues
    Running away, aggressive, assaultive, animal cruelty, commercially sexually exploited child (CSEC), substance use, gang activity, fire setting, severe mental health issues (including suicidal ideation and/or self-harm), psychiatric hospitalizations, adjudicated violent offenses, significant property damage, sex offender/perpetrator, habitual truancy, or 3 or more placements due to child’s behavior.

How to Request a SCI
Ask your county social worker for a SCI assessment. The SCI criteria and supervision you provide will be discussed at the next Child and Family Team (CFT) meeting.

SCI Rates
There are 3 SCI tiers that a child can qualify for based on the number of criteria that the child meets:

Tier 1$200
Tier 2$300
Tier 3$400

Rate Determination
The county social worker will first complete a LOC assessment to determine a base rate. If the child has needs above and beyond those covered by LOC, the child will be assessed for a SCI.


What is Level of Care (LOC)?

LOC is a new foster care rate structure that is determined by the care and supervision provided by a resource family to meet the needs of a child based on 5 domains: physical, behavioral/ emotional, educational, health, and permanency/family services.

What do I do if the social worker or analyst says that the child does not qualify for SCI?

Contact the social worker’s supervisor or the Program Manager who will be able to resolve any disputes.

What if the child in my home has a special need that is not listed under the SCI criteria?

Discuss the child’s special need with the social worker to clarify if the child is eligible to SCI or not.

How often is the SCI assessed?

Once a year; however, if the child’s needs have changed, you may request a new assessment.

CFT Flex Funds

There are funds available to meet a family or caregiver’s need that might come up during a Child and Family Team (CFT) meeting. Each family may use up to $500 in CFT flex funds to meet the identified need. If you are in need of a service or tangible item to help the child placed in your care, please discuss the need during the CFT meeting. The funds must be approved by the team.

Best Friends Funds

Best Friends Funds are used to provide supports to youth with an open child welfare care in participating in enhancement activities. Examples of common utilization for this fund is: fees for sports participation, arts and sports lessons (up to 3 months), special event clothing (i.e., prom wear, uniforms for boys and girl scouts, etc.), supporting costs of special trips (senior trips, family trips with caregivers, etc.)

SCIAP (Specialized Care Incentive and Assistance Program) Funds

SCIAP funds are used to assist with covering one time medical expenses not covered by Medi-Cal. This is a reimbursement fund, meaning the caregiver must cover the cost and submit receipts in order to be reimbursed. There are limitations of what may be covered, and what amounts can be covered. Contact your social worker for additional information.

RIPE (Relative and Identified Placement Emergency) Funds

RIPE Funds are utilized to assist with removing barriers to a foster care placement with a relative, or to support needs to ensure a relative placement remains secure. Examples of utilization for this fund include: furniture needed for the child(ren), clothing stipend for children while relatives are pending a resource family application approval, and support for items needed for the home to be considered suitable for placement (i.e. fire detectors, locks, baby gates, etc.). This is a reimbursement fund. Maximum reimbursement amounts may apply. Please contact your social worker for additional information.

Independent Living Program (ILP) Funds

Graduation Stipend
Youth about to graduate from high school may receive up to $400 to assist with graduation expenses such as graduation attire, class ring, yearbook, etc.

NYTD Survey
Youth are eligible to receive a stipend when they complete the NYTD survey. The stipend is $50-$100 based on the youth’s age at the time of completion.

Childcare Resources:

  • Address: 11 Quail Run Cir. Ste. 101 Salinas, Ca 93907
  • Phone: (831) 424-6939
  • Website:
Kids at Play
  • Address: 1441 Constitution Blvd. Salinas, Ca 93906
  • Phone: (831) 769-8697
  • Email:
The Parent Center: Preschool Program

Technology Resources:

Loaves, Fishes & Computers
Federal Communications Commission – Lifeline Program
Monterey County Office of Education

Educational Resources:

Monterey County Office of Education

504 Education Plan Information

Alternative Education Programs

ABC Mouse
Scholastic Learn at Home Free Resources for School Closures
FAFSA Information

Mental/Behavioral Health Resources:

Monterey County Children’s Behavioral Health
San Andreas Regional Centers
Ohana – Montage Health
NAMI (National Association of Mental Illness)

Please contact your social worker for more information.

Therapeutic Behavioral Services (TBS)

Please contact your social worker for more information.

Equine Therapy

Wonder Wood Ranch

  • Address: 8100 Wild horse Rd, Salinas, CA 93907

Hope, Horses, & Kids

The Equine Healing Collaborative

  • Address: 130 Church St, Salinas, CA 93901
  • Address: 60 W. Market St., Ste. #140, Salinas, CA 93901
  • Phone: (831) 755-8155
  • Website:
Substance Abuse Treatment:

Door to Hope – Integrated Co-Ocurring Treatment for Youth

Community Human Services – D.A.I.S.Y

  • Website:
  • Silver Star Resource Center
    • Address: 855 E. Laurel Sr. Bldg. H, Salinas, CA 93905
    • Phone: (831) 233-9029
  • Family Service Center
    • Address: 1178 Broadway Avenue, Seaside, CA 93955
    • Phone: (831) 394-4622

Sun Street Centers Youth Outpatient

Valley Health Associates Youth Outpatient

Monterey County Rape Crisis Center
Seneca Family of Agencies: Mobile Crisis

Food/Basic Needs:

Hartnell Food Pantry
  • Contact Margie Wiebusch at the Hartnell Foster Kinship Care Education (FKCE)
  • Address: 411 Central Ave., Salinas CA 93901
  • Email:
  • Phone: 831 755 6923
Food Bank of Monterey County
Clothing Allowance

Each child is only eligible to ONE clothing allowance, so if a prior resource parent already received the stipend, a second stipend cannot be issued. Please ask your social worker for more information.

Age of the ChildMaximum Amount Allowed
0 through 6 years old$200
7 through 12 years old$300
13 through 20 years old$400

Contact RSU at  if you need help with the following:

  • Clothing Closet
  • Car Seats
  • Furniture

Training Calendar:

CFT (Child and Family Team) Information:

CFT meetings are held at least once every 3 months. It is important that caregivers attend the CFT meetings or find a representative who can attend in their place.

  • Contact Seneca Family of Agencies at (831) 455-9965 to speak with the assigned facilitator.
  • Contact Door to Hope at (831) 758-0181 if you need your caregiver mentor to support you or represent you at the CFT meeting.