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Foster Youth Resources

Independent Living Skills Program (ILSP)

ILSP offers a full range of services designed to assist and support emancipating foster care and probation-involved youth in their transition to independent living.

Youth can participate in ILSP in the following ways:

Attend workshops and training.

Receive individualized goal setting assistance, tutoring assistance, IEP support, educational plan management and assistance coordinating service providers to help ensure completion of Diploma or GED.

Focusing on educational and social skills development, study skills and test-taking preparation.

Intensive Family Finding and Engagement Assistance through Seneca Family of Agencies to help youth create a permanent network of support in preparation for adulthood.

Assistance and referrals to promote physical health, mental health, and safety skills including, but not limited to: substance abuse prevention, smoking cessation, pregnancy prevention, and nutrition education.

Daily living skills including information/training in financial management and budgeting; personal responsibility skills; self-advocacy; household management.

Independent Living

ILP Program
The Independent Living Program (ILP) is a program that serves eligible current and former foster youth including probation youth between the ages of 14-21 years old. The mission of ILP is to support youth, build relationships, expand their skills and knowledge and provide valuable tools that will help youth reach their life goals. This is done in any ways that include workshops, social and interactive events and field trips.

Informational and interactive workshops are held once a month covering life skills. Topics on education, finances, employment, and daily living skills. All ILP eligible youth have the opportunity to earn a $10 dollar gift card and raffles for participating in each workshop attended. Social events are offered throughout the year for the youth to connect with peers and engage with ILP staff. Events include ILP kick off, Thanksgiving Dinner, Christmas event, Depart Smart, End of the Year Celebration and summer event.

The program is divided into three different age groups:

  • Pre-ILP: Ages 14-15.5
  • ILP High School: Ages 15.5-18
  • Non-minor Dependents: Ages 18-21
  • ILP Contacts
  • Pre-ILP & High School ILP
  • Anabel Guzman/ / 831-755-6956
  • Independent Living Program (ILP) Coordinator
  • Non-Minor Dependents (NMD’s) & Guardian Scholars Program (GSP)
  • Marisela Lemus / 831-755-6944
  • NMD& Guardian Scholars PA II
  • Social Media accounts
  • Instagram: ilp_hartnell
  • Facebook: ilp Monterey
  • ILP Website:


The Epicenter exists to empower current or former system-involved youth ages 16-24 to flourish by connecting them to community resources.  The Epicenter offers the following services online or in person:

  • Housing
    • Evaluate Budget
    • Explore rental options
    • Apply for housing programs
  • Education
    • Register for college
    • Apply for financial aid
    • Connect to alternative education programs
  • Employment
    • Ge help creating a resume and cover letter
    • Assistance with navigating online applications
    • Prepare for interviews
    • Youth employment opportunities
  • Health and Wellness
    • Connect with local services
    • Enjoy youth room on site
    • Grab a bit in their free kitchen
    • LGBTQ+ Support
    • Friday Night Live Partnership
    • California Youth Connection
  • Phone: (831) 998-7291
  • Email:
  • Address: 20 Maple Street, Salinas, CA 93901
  • Website:
  • Social Media:
    • Facebook: epicentermonterey
    • Instagram: theepicenter831
    • Snapchat: epicenter831
    • Twitter: epicentermonterey

Central Coast Center for Independent Living (CCCIL)

CCCIL is a community-based, cross-disability, non-profit organization that is designed and operated by people with disabilities. CCCIL and other Centers for Independent Living (CILS) are unique in that we operate according to a strict philosophy of consumer control, wherein people with all types of disabilities directly govern and staff our organization. CCCIL provides:

    • Cross Disability Peer Support
    • Information and Referral
    • Individual and Systems Advocacy
    • Independent Living Skills Training
    • Housing Assistance
    • Personal Assistance Services
    • Youth Transition Services
    • Assistive Technology Services
  • Address: 318 Cayuga Street, Suite 208, Salinas, CA 93901
  • Phone: (831) 757-2968
  • Website:


Coalition of Homeless Services Providers

  • Website:
  • Address: 1942 Fremont Blvd., Seaside, CA 93955
  • Phone: 831 883 3080

Housing Resource Center 

  • Website:
  • Address: 201 John St., Suite A, Salinas, CA 93901
  • Phone: 831 424 9186 ext. 20

Housing Authority 

  • Website:
  • Address: 123 Rico St., Salinas, CA 93907
  • Phone: 831 775 5000

Peacock Acres/THP 

  • THPP: THP+FC is an extended foster care program for non-minor dependents (NMD) ages 18-21 who need further support while following their life plan. Peacock
    Acres provides fully furnished homes in residential neighborhoods, as well as house parents and case managers to support residents in reaching their goals. THP+FC youth attend school full time, work full time, or some combination of the two. THP+FC youth are assisted in removing barriers to employment and self-sufficiency.
  • THP + FC: THP+FC is an extended foster care program for non-minor dependents (NMD) ages 18-21 who need further support while following their life plan. Peacock
    Acres provides fully furnished homes in residential neighborhoods, as well as house parents and case managers to support residents in reaching their goals. THP+FC youth attend school full time, work full time, or some combination of the two. THP+FC youth are assisted in removing barriers to employment and self-sufficiency.
  • THP PLUS: THP Plus (also known as PATH for Peacock Acres Transitional Housing) is for emancipated foster youth ages 18-24. Young adults who participate in this program receive up to 24 months of subsidized housing support while they practice their independent living skills. Peacock Acres provides fully furnished homes or apartments as well as case managers to assist residents in achieving their goals. PATH participants attend school, and/or work full time in order to qualify. Parenting young adults are welcome.
  • Apply for Transitional Housing:
  • Website:
  • Address: 830 Park Row, Salinas, CA 93901
  • Phone: 831 754 3635

JBAY Transitional Housing Information Outside Monterey County
If you are a current or former foster youth between 18 and 25 years old and are looking for housing, click HERE for information about the THPP-NMD and THP-Plus programs.

Central Coast Center for Independent Living (CCCIL)
Are you a person with a disability that is, currently experiencing homelessness? Or are you about to become homeless? Do you know someone who is experiencing Homelessness? If your answer is yes, then CCCIL can assist you by enrolling you into Coordinated Entry. Coordinated entry is a consistent, community-wide process to match people experiencing homelessness to community resources that are the best fit for their situation. In a community using coordinated entry, homeless individuals and families complete a standard triage assessment survey that identifies the best type of intervention for that household. Participating programs accept referrals from the system, reducing the need for people to travel distances seeking assistance at every provider separately. When participating programs do not have enough space to accept all referrals from the system, people are prioritized for services based on need. In the Monterey/San Benito Counties Continuum of Care (CoC), the system is referred to as the Coordinated Assessment and Referral System (CARS). In addition to a CARS assessment, and if you meet the program requirements, CCCIL can provide Homeless Prevention and Housing Services through our ESG Program. CCCIL’s ESG Program provides Rapid Re-Housing (RRH) and Homeless Prevention (HP) services to Monterey and San Benito County Residents.  RRH services are intended to help eligible participants who are literally homeless and collaborate with the applicant to obtain permanent housing; achieve housing stability. HP services are intended to prevent eligible participants who are housed from becoming homeless by helping them regain stability in their housing or other permanent housing. Limited ESG Funding may be available for RRH and HP Services which may include:

    • Intensive Case Management to assess housing and service needs.
    • Mediation Services to prevent the tenant from losing their housing.
    • Short term Rental Assistance
    • Deposit Assistance
    • Moving Cost
    • Utility Payment Assistance
    • Cross Disability Peer Support
    • Information and Referral
    • Individual and Systems Advocacy
    • Independent Living Skills Training
    • Personal Assistance Services
    • Youth Transition Services
    • Assistive Technology Services
  • Website:
  • Address: 318 Cayuga St. #208, Salinas, CA 93901
  • Phone: 831 757 2968

Community Human Service/Safe Place 

  • Website: org
  • Address: 590 Pearl St., Monterey, CA 939420
  • Phone: 831 373 4421



Workforce Development Board 

Employment Development Department Youth Employment Opportunity Program 

California Conservation Corps
Residential and non-residential programs.  Shelter in center before training starts.  1 year of experience working outdoors, 18-25 years old, ability to pass a background check (felonies or violent crimes), drug test, and physical exam.

Job Corp 


Public Assistance

CalWORKs (Cash Aid); Cal Fresh, Medi-Cal, and General Assistance:

  • Apply online:
  • Salinas Office:
    Address: 1000 S. Main St. Ste., 216, Salinas, CA 93901
    Phone: 1 866 323 1953
  • Seaside Office:
    Address: 1281 Broadway Ave., Seaside, CA 93955
    Phone: 1 866 323 1953; TTY/TTD 831 393 0950
  • King City Office:
    Address: 116 Broadway Ave., Seaside, CA 93930
    Phone: 1 866 323 1953; TTY/TTD 831 386 0537

CalWORKs Employment Services 

  • Website:
  • Salinas – One Stop Career Center CalWORKs Employment Services
    Address: 730 La Guardia St., Salinas, CA 93905
    Phone: 831 755 4452; Toll Free: 800 870 4750; TTY/TTD: 831 754 8791
  • Seaside: Monterey County Offices of CalWORKs Employment Services
    Address: 1281 Broadway Ave., Seaside, CA 93955
    Phone: 831 899 8028; Toll Free: 800 870 4750; TTY/TTD: 831 899 8348
  • King City: One Stop Career Center CalWORKs
    Address: 200 Broadway St. Ste. 62, King City CA 93930
    Phone: 831 386 6801; Toll Free 800 870 4750


Monterey County Internships 

Monterey County Office of Education, Alternative Ed Office 

Hartnell Community College 

Monterey Peninsula College 

  • Website:
  • Monterey Campus: 980 Fremont St., Monterey, CA 93940; PH: 831 646 4000
  • Marina Education Center: 289 12th St., Marina, CA 93933; PH: 831 646 4850

Central Coast College 

Center for Employment Training (CET) 

Cal State University Monterey Bay 

  • Website:
  • Address: 5108 Fourth Ave., Marina, CA 93933
  • Mailing: 100 Campus Center, Seaside, CA 93955
  • Phone: 831 582 3000

FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid:

Guardian Scholars Program 

Chaffee Grant 

ILP Youth Empowerment Strategies for Success (YESS) Program  

Next Up Program  

California College Pathways
California College Pathways is a statewide partnership that provides resources and leadership to campuses and community organizations to help foster youth succeed at community colleges and four-year universities.

Foster Youth Success Initiative  



  • Website:
  • Monterey
    Address: 600 Camino El Estero, Monterey, Ca 93940
    Phone: (831) 373-4167
  • Salinas
    Address: 117 Clay St., Salinas, Ca 93901
    Phone: (831) 758-3811
  • Salinas Aquatic Center
    Address: 1 E. Bernal St. Salinas, Ca 93906
    Phone: (831) 758-7301
  • Soledad
    Address: 560 Walker Dr. Soledad, Ca 93960
    Phone: (831) 678-123

First Five: Playdates for ages 0-5

  • Website:
  • Address: 1125 Baldwin St. Salinas, Ca 93906
  • Phone: (831) 444-8549

Sol Treasures

Ariel Youth Theater

The Western Stage

  • Website:
  • Address: 411 Central Ave. Bldg. K, Salinas, Ca 93901
  • Phone (831) 755-6816

Monterey County Free Libraries

First Tee

Boys and Girls Club

  • Website:
  • Seaside
    Address: 1332 La Salle Ave. Seaside, Ca 93955
    Phone: (831) 394-5171
  • Salinas
    Address: 85 Maryal Dr. Salinas, Ca 93906
    Phone: (831) 757-4412

Royal Family Kids Camp:
Royal Family Kids Camp is a 5 day camp held in early June for children ages 7-11. Prioritization will be given to sibling groups and children who have previously attended camp. Please contact your social worker for information on how to apply

The Wahine Project (14-18 surfing program)

  • Website:
  • Address: P.O. Box 51204, Pacific Grove, Ca 93950
  • Phone: (831) 236-4642

City Youth Recreation Programs:
See your local city recreation website

My Museum

  • Website:
  • Address: 425 Washington St. Monterey, Ca 93940
  • Phone: (831) 649-6444

Hartnell College: Coder Dojo

The Parent Center: Play and Learn

SPCA Animal Camp

Boy Scouts of America: Santa Lucia District

Girl Scouts of America

  • Website:
  • Address: 345 Towt St., Salinas, Ca 93905
  • Phone: (800) 822-2427

Girl’s Inc.

  • Website:
  • Address: 318 Cayuga St. Ste. 209, Salinas, Ca 93901
  • Phone: (831) 772-0882

Basic Needs

National School Lunch Program 

Summer Food Service Program 

Food Bank 

WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) 


  • Website
  • Salinas Locations:
    Address: 1566 Moffett St. Salinas, CA 93905, Phone: (831) 423-8611
    Address: 1325 North Main St. Salinas, CA 93906, Phone: (831) 755-8668
    Address: 708 East Alisal St. Salinas, CA 93905, Phone: (831) 424-5346
  • Peninsula Locations:
    Address: 266 Reservation Rd. Marina, CA 93933, Phone: (831) 233-7767
    Address: 571 Lighthouse Ave. Monterey, CA 93940
    Address: 729 Broadway Ave Seaside, CA 93955, Phone: (831) 394-1212
  • South County Location:
    Address: 2293 H Dela Rosa Sr St. Soledad, CA 93960, Phone: (831) 237-6987

Catholic Charities – Diocese of Monterey 

Salvation Army 

  • Website
  • Salinas Locations:
    Address: 326 N Main St., Salinas, Ca 93906, Phone: (831) 443-9655
    Address:  2460 N Main St., Salinas, CA 93906, Phone: (831) 443-9655
  • Peninsula Location:
    Address: 1850 Fremont Blvd Seaside, CA 93955, Phone: (831) 394-6507
  • South County Locations:
    Address: 179 Main St. Soledad, CA 93960, Phone: (831) 678-9952
    Address: King City Food Distribution Center, Phone: (831) 385-3988


Loaves, Fishes & Computers

Federal Communications Commission – Lifeline Program


Monterey County Office of Education


Central Coast Alliance for Health 

Covered CA: 

Nurse Family Partnership 

JBAY Health Resources

Planned Parenthood 

  • Salinas Address: 316 N. Main St., Salinas, CA 93901
  • Salinas Phone: 831 758 8261
  • Seaside Address:625 Hilby Ave., Seaside, CA 93955
  • Seaside Phone: 831 394 1691


MST (Monterey-Salinas Transit)

  • Website:
  • Salinas Address: 110 Salinas St., Salinas, CA 93901
  • Marina Address: 280 Reservation Rd., Marina, CA 93933
  • Monterey Address: 201 Pearl St., Monterey CA, 93940
  • Phone: 888 678 2871 (888-MST-BUS1)

Greyhound Bus Lines:

Amtrak Salinas:

Support and Advocacy

California Youth Connection (CYC)
CYC is a youth-led organization that develops leaders who empower each other and their communities to transform the foster care system through legislative, policy, and practice change.

CYC Members are current and former foster youth between the ages of 14-24. The current and former foster youth members of CYC represent the spectrum of circumstances within their culture. These youth come from long-term foster care, guardianships, relative caregivers and adoptive families. Some are foster youth who have children, some represent the LGBTQ community, and some have experienced the juvenile justice system. California’s 65,000+ current and former foster youth represent the most marginalized, underserved, at-risk populations in the state. CYC offers a safe place for foster youth who may feel marginalized, labeled or stigmatized within their foster homes, schools, and communities. Members are given the chance to learn and share with their peers in a community of acceptance, engagement, committed to positive social change. At CYC, foster youth share resources and encouragement. Members are supported by CYC staff and a community of volunteers who the Members exclusively select. We are youth-driven, we develop youth decision-makers, we provide youth supports and we cultivate youth empowerment.

  • Website:
  • Monterey County Chapter: The Epicenter currently hosts CYC’s Monterey Chapter of CYC. Meetings are on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month from 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm and are held over Zoom. If you are interested or would like more information, email

John Burton Advocates for Youth (JBAY)
John Burton Advocates for Youth improves the quality of life for youth in California who have been in foster care or homeless by advocating for better laws, training communities to strengthen local practices and conducting research to inform policy solutions.  JBAY provides the following services (for additional information, follow the header links):

  • Education
    JBAY helps foster youth across the state achieve their higher education goals and move on to fulfilling careers by engaging institutions to work together, sharing best practices, and advocating for policies that support foster youth in higher education.
  • Housing
    JBAY aims to reduce homelessness among current and former foster youth in California by constantly working to improve access to safe, affordable and supportive housing through the development of policy and technical assistance.
  • Health
    JBAY works through advocacy, collaboration and training to ensure that all foster youth in care have access to the necessary physical and mental health services that are vital to their well-being and success.

Court Appointed Special Advocate: Casa volunteers are appointed by the court to provide rights based advocacy for children in foster care by working closely with the child’s network of care providers including social workers, teachers, and therapists, to ensure that the child’s voice and desires are being heard.

  • Website:
  • Address: 945 S. Main St. Ste. 107, Salinas, CA 93901
  • Phone: 831 455 6800
  • Email:

YWCA Legal Services:
Legal advocacy program provides immediate and long term safety for survivors of domestic violence by assisting with family law matters such as:

  • Domestic violence restraining orders
  • Civil harassment restraining order
  • Cease and desist letter
  • Divorce
  • Child custody

In addition, court accompaniment with a legal advocate is provided for survivors who received assistance from a legal advocate for restraining orders. The legal advocate will provide guidance and support through the court hearing process. Legal advocacy is provided at no cost by appointment. Appointments are available in our Salinas location and can be made by calling the administrative office in Salinas.

Dependency Court Attorneys 

Mexican Consulate:
Identity documents, DACA, SJIS, People Locating, Victims of Human Rights Violations, Victims of Human Trafficking


Foster Youth Rights:

Extended Foster Care/Non Minor Dependents (NMD)
AB 12 created California’s Extended Foster Care (EFC) Program which allows eligible youth in the child welfare and probation systems to remain in foster care until age 21.  Youth may leave extended foster care and later choose to re-enter the program up to age 21.  To remain eligible for EFC, youth must meet at least one of five participation criteria.  Additionally, AB 12 extended Kin Guardianship Assistance Payments (Kin-GAP) and Adoption Assistance Payments (AAP) up to age 21 for youth who meet certain eligibility requirements.

  • Attend NMD 101 for more information (see Youth Calendar)
  • Re-Entry
    • Youth must be informed of their right to re-enter extended foster care at their termination hearing.
    • Eligible youth can re-enter foster care an unlimited number of times until they turn 21.
    • The re-entry process is intended to be as accessible and easy as possible.
  • Process:
    1. Contact Monterey County Family and Children’s Services at (831) 755-4475 and ask to speak with the Supervisor of the Permanency Planning Unit or the Worker of the Day of the Permanency Planning Unit.
    2. Sign the voluntary re-entry agreement that can be downloaded by following the links below:
    1. Aid begins on date youth signs agreement and resides in a qualified placement.
    2. Initial meeting with social worker temporarily satisfies participation conditions. (Youth do not have to be working or in school to re-enter. This meeting temporarily satisfies the participation conditions until a long-term plan is established).
    3. If you are homeless, Peacock Acres can assist with emergency housing for 30 days (see housing section).
    4. Family and Children’s Services has 15 days to file a court petition.

Substance Abuse

Valley Health Associates

Sun Street Centers

Genesis House (Community Human Services)

Door to Hope

Mental Health

Foster Youth Mental Health Bill of Rights

Monterey County Children’s Behavioral Health

  • Peninsula Location:
    Address: 299 Twelfth St. Suite A, Marina, CA 93933
    Phone (831) 647-7652
  • South County Location:
    Address: 359 Gabilan Drive, Soledad, CA 93960

San Andreas Regional Centers

Ohana – Montage Health

NAMI (National Association of Mental Illness)

Wraparound: Please contact your social worker for more information.

Therapeutic Behavioral Services (TBS): Please contact your social worker for more information.

Equine Therapy

  • Wonder Wood Ranch
    Address: 8100 Wild horse Rd.


  • Website:
  • Address: 130 Church St, Salinas, CA 93901
  • Address: 60 W. Market St., Ste. #140, Salinas, CA 93901
  • Phone: (831) 755-8155

Monterey County Rape Crisis Center


Seneca Family of Agencies: Mobile Crisis

Sexual Assault, Trafficking, and Exploitation Resources:

Monterey County Rape Crisis 


  • Website:
  • Address: 11 Quail Run Cir., Salinas, CA 93901
  • Phone: 831 422 8602
  • 24 Hour Crisis Line: 831 372 6300 OR 831 757 1001

National Trafficking Hotline 

Resources for Parenting Foster Youth

Infant Supplement:
California provides a monthly supplemental payment of $900 (amount for most placements) to the placement of parenting foster youth whose child(ren) reside with them. Youth who live in a Supervised Independent Living Placement (SILP) can receive the infant supplement directly. Learn more HERE.

Parenting Support Plan Supplement:
Assembly Bill 2668 established an additional $200 per month for parenting non-minor dependents living in a SILP if they create a Parenting Support Plan with a responsible adult mentor. Learn more HERE.

Emergency Child Care Bridge Program:
Parenting foster youth can receive a time-limited child care voucher or payment to help pay for child care costs in addition to a child care navigator to assist with finding a child care provider, securing a subsidized child care placement if eligible, completing child care program applications, and developing a plan for long-term child care appropriate to the child’s age and needs. This state program is optional for counties. Check with your child welfare agency to see if your county is participating. Learn more about the program HERE.

Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women Infants & Children (WIC):
This program provides supplemental foods, health care referrals and nutrition education for low-income pregnant, breastfeeding and non-breastfeeding postpartum women as well as for infants and children up to age 5. Learn more HERE.

CalFRESH (Food Stamps)
CalFresh can be a great resource to help supplement a parenting youth’s food budget. Eligibility for CalFresh is made on a case-by-case basis and considers household composition, income, assets and other factors. Download an FAQ for NMDs applying for CalFresh HERE. Learn more HERE.

Adolescent Family Life Program:
The Adolescent Family Life Program is a statewide, publicly-funded program that addresses the social, health, educational, and economic consequences of adolescent pregnancy by providing comprehensive case management services to pregnant and parenting teens and their children. Learn more HERE.

The Cal-LEARN program helps pregnant and parenting teens to attend and graduate from high school or its equivalent through intensive case management, payments for necessary child care, transportation and educational expenses to enable pregnant/parenting teens to support school attendance and good grades. It is administered by the county social services agency. Learn more HERE.

Cal-SAFE is a school-based program for expectant and parenting students and their children. The program provides academic and support services to help students to stay in school. It is funded by the California Department of Education and administered locally by school districts. Check with your local school district for information on Cal-Safe in your area.

Planned Parenthood:
Planned Parenthood is a national provider of reproductive health care. In addition to clinics located throughout California, Planned Parenthood provides teen-specific information on their website on a range of topics, including birth control, sex and relationships. Learn more HERE.

Text4Baby is a free mobile information service that provides pregnancy women and new mothers with information to help them care for their health and give their babies the best possible start in life. Learn more HERE.

Who is Eligible?

Youth between the age of 16 and 20 who are currently in an out-of-home placement or who were in an out-of-home placement sometime after their 16th birthday are eligible for ILSP services until their 21st birthday.

Can you receive ILSP services if his or her case is terminated?

Yes, as long as a youth was in out-of-home placement for any period after his or her 16th birthday, even if the case was later terminated.

How are youth referred?

Youth are referred to ILSP by their child welfare workers, probation officers or may self refer.

For more information, contact:
Christine Lerable, Program Manager

Greg Glazzard, Probation Manager

Foster Youth Events